Proverbs 27:11

11My son, be wise, and make my heart glad,
That I may answer him who reproaches me.
-Proverbs 27:11

It wasn't but a week ago that I was talking with a store clerk who shared her complaints of a family that had been in the store just before I was there. She shared how the children were acting and how stressed she was about it. At the end, she commented on the mother and her parenting tactics. Now the mom herself was not acting horribly or causing a ruckus, but she received the blame for how the child was acting. The way that we express ourselves and the way that we conduct ourselves is often reflected upon our parents. Therefore, when we walk in wisdom, it reflects well on our parents. In a very similar vein to this, we should consider how we reflect our Father in heaven. Does our conduct bode well for the Lord? Or based on how we act, is the Lord then criticized? We are walking testimonies of the work of Christ. We would do well to ensure that our conduct follows. Abide in the Lord and He will abide in you and you will bear much fruit.
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