Proverbs 28:15

15Like a roaring lion and a charging bear
Is a wicked ruler over poor people.
-Proverbs 28:15

It is interesting how similar the description of this wicked ruler is to Satan.

8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
-1 Peter 5:8

What will a wicked ruler do to the poor? Certainly, he will devour them. The enemy undoubtedly seeks to rule over and devour. It is a dangerous thing to put such individuals in power. While we may not always have the best say in who rules over us as a nation, we do have a say on who it is that rules over our lives. If we entrust that to the Lord, He will seek to uplift us and bring us before Him in righteousness. Should we take that mantle ourselves, then we allow for the enemy to dominate our lives and have his way with us. Allow the Lord to truly be Lord over your life and walk in His ways. As He has delighted in you, so will you delight in Him.
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