Proverbs 28:9
9 One who turns away his ear from hearing the law,
Even his prayer is an abomination.
-Proverbs 28:9
I have heard it taught many times that if you just pray, the Lord will always hear you. However, Scripture does not necessarily teach that. There are many cases, even within the New Testament, in which prayer may be cut off or hindered. Unless it be prayerful repentance to the Lord, why should we expect the one who avidly rejects the Lord to suddenly be a delight to His ears? They reject His law, they disobey His commands, and they spit on the grace that He offers. To then pray for wealth, health, and the other is abominable. It makes a mockery of God. Repent. Turn to the Lord in sincere zealousness for His truth. He will delight in that prayer. He delights in those who are His. But as for the prayer of the wicked? This will be cut off.
Posted in Proverbs
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