Proverbs 28:17

17A man burdened with bloodshed will flee into a pit;
Let no one help him.
-Proverbs 28:17

Murder is a very serious matter. Most of us are fairly well aware of that reality, but we still make room for it in our culture. While there has been some shift in the trend of abortion, it is still a prominent issue in our world. We have men and women all around who have their hands stained with the blood of the innocent. We have men and women all around who have the consciences seared by committing heinous acts. Blessed be the name of the Lord that we have a God who has paid the ultimate price that can transform such individuals and call them new creations. Let us be all the more fervent to preach the Gospel, and let us be all the more zealous at putting an end to supporting such wickedness.
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