Proverbs 25:15

15By long forbearance a ruler is persuaded,
And a gentle tongue breaks a bone.
-Proverbs 25:15

There are many times where the long game is the right game to play. Our culture likes to promote just sticking it to the man and letting your mind be heard. But often times, our impenitent approach only worsens our circumstances. Solomon recognizes here the value of slowly addressing an individual in a higher position over you. Within the course of time and delaying one's own anger, they may be persuaded. Rude and brash interjection will often leave them more secure in their position. We can find this also to be true in preaching the Gospel.

Preaching the Gospel is not an opportunity for us scream at unbelievers about how wicked they are. While we should indeed warn about the dangers of the fires of hell, and make them aware of wickedness, we need to consider how we go about it. A gentle answer turns away wrath. We must speak the truth in love. You may be right in what you say, but you could be wrong in your approach. Let us be sure that we conduct ourselves in wisdom. Seek the Lord and let Him be your guide.
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