Proverbs 26:17

17He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own
Is like one who takes a dog by the ears.
-Proverbs 26:17

It is dangerous business getting involved in other people's business. Sure there may be a time to get involved as the Lord leads, but more times than not, you do not have the full picture. Dogs in those days were wild animals. It would have been utterly foolish to try and provoke a wild animal like that. So the same is provoking those who are in a quarrel by meddling. There is a biblical virtue to minding your own business. We are not to be busybodies involved in everyone's disputes. Instead of hastening to put yourself in the involvement of other's issues, hasten to prayer. Pray for the parties involved. Ask the Lord whether or not you should intervene at all and heed His voice. Let the Lord deal with those individuals. You do not need to know all that is going on in other people's lives, but you should be fervently in prayer for others. Let this be the practice you adopt.
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