Proverbs 26:23

23Fervent lips with a wicked heart
Are like earthenware covered with silver dross.
-Proverbs 26:23

This is a phrase that would have made more sense to the Hebrew reader, but the general concept follows something crass like this, "You can paint a turd gold, but it is still a turd." I do apologize for the crassness of the statement, but it clearly communicates what is being spoken here. A wicked individual may speak well, but that does not make them any less wicked. It simply makes him more talented at speaking. One might attempt to use good speech as a cover for their wickedness, but it will never conceal it from the One who matters. The Lord sees into the depths of the heart. This is where it is important to remember where wickedness and righteousness matters. At the end of the day, every man can view you as being wicked and irresponsible, but if the Lord sees you as purified, that is what matters. Similarly, every man can see you as the most righteous individual to walk this planet, but if the Lord sees you as wicked, you are condemned. Man's opinions matter not in comparison to the Lord. So let us be secure before Him and live for the audience of One. Let our hearts be purified before Him by being pure from Him. 
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